Hershey Park! Today was Nate's company summer picnic and we got an all expenses paid day!
And what do I find the best part of the entire day spent there???
This goose! I can't say I've ever seen a goose dive before... but this one was so hilarious! He stayed that way for many seconds and waddled his little feet to turn himself around! The things that I find amusing astound me sometimes! I watched him do it for ages and laughed like a child every time!
Ok and I found this to be wonderful too...
Kisses are my favorite part of the Chocolate World tour :)
And last but not least...
Why I let myself cave and buy them, I will never know.... but I am now the proud parent of two creepy little Hermit crabs... hey I did say I heart them right? On the two hour trip home, they were ever so thoughtfully named Shelby and Sylvia! Sylvia has a green and silver shell and Shelby has a yellow one... for now, that is, Shelby is already checking out the extra shell we got her!
Looks like so much fun!!! And I love hermit crabs!!! I used to have two of them but my room got really cold when I was at school one day and they died :( But I am hoping to get more in the future! lol. Right now Alex wont let me!